For over 40 years I have sculpted the front of fireplaces using stone, steel, slab and mixtures of mediums. This particular fireplace was hammered from aluminum. Each fluted form was individually hammered and then smoothly rolled and formed on an English wheel. Then the forms were fitted one to another, carefully stitched together with aluminum wire and TIG welded , joining them from the front and back sides . This extra welding aloud the grinding and graining of the material to gently sculpt the cusps, uniting the differences of each piece. While delivering an undulating form of irregularity, that moves light upward as fire itself would. The light is directed in a dance upward to the ceiling, utilizing the perfectly grained surfaces of the matte black material.
The slide show below features fireplaces that I've designed and built. Others are show the patina and finish work that other fabrication companies have outsourced to me.